Better yet, these lenders and brokers don’t need you to find a guarantor who will make repayments for you if you fall behind on your loan repaymemts.
Guarantor loans aren't for everyone – we understand that. The good news is that there are now hundreds of bad credit loan options available for borrowers who don’t like the idea of asking someone to guarantee the rest of their repayments for them, should they be unable to meet those repayments themselves.
With Growing Power, you can apply straight away to over forty FCA-regulated and authorised lenders and brokers, many of whom don’t require a guarantor, by using our simple application form.

- Q1 - What is a no guarantor loan?
- Q2 - Will I be approved for a loan without a guarantor?
- Q3 - Loans for bad credit applicants with no guarantor - do they exist?
- Q4 - Can Growing Power help if I have a bad credit score?
- Q5 - How safe are bad credit loans without a guarantor?
- Q6 - I am struggling to repay my debts. What should I do?
What is a no guarantor loan?
With a no guarantor loan, you are fully and solely responsible for the repayments. As with other types of loan, your lender will expect to be able to collect the repayments you’ve agreed to make from your bank account; on time and in full.
The interest rates on a bad credit loan are often higher than the loans you might take out from a bank because there is no guarantor and because you have a less than perfect credit history.
Because there are now so many direct lenders offering no guarantor bad credit loans, you can let brokers like Growing Power do all the hard work on your behalf to find you a loan that is affordable and competitive (subject to eligibility).
Will I be approved for a loan without a guarantor?
You don’t need a guarantor to be approved for a bad credit loan. In the past, not having a guarantor could have meant that:
- you might be turned down for a loan or
- you might be offered one that was so expensive that you wouldn't be able to make the repayments.
This situation has changed a great deal in just a few short years. Now, people with very bad credit or no credit history are not completely shut out of the loans market, even if they don’t have a guarantor.
Loans for bad credit applicants with no guarantor - do they exist?
Yes. And the loans for bad credit applicants we can find through our panel of direct lenders are all Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)-authorised and regulated. That’s important because the FCA governs which companies in the UK can legally make or broker loans, and what terms those loans are offered under.
Bad credit loan providers work very differently to mainstream lenders. Credit scores are still very important to all lenders, however bad credit loan companies also take account of something called the “affordability check” – you complete this as part of your loan application.
When they’re making a decision about whether to give you a loan, bad credit lenders also factor in your personal and financial situation as it is today. Among other things, they’ll take into account:
- how much you earn,
- how much you spend every month on your outgoings,
- what job you do, and
- how long you have been with your current employer for.
Can Growing Power help if I have a bad credit score?
We may be able to help borrowers with a bad or very bad credit score – all you have to do is to apply through us. We have a large panel of specialist lenders, many of whom make new loans every day for borrowers with bad credit scores.
Each lender has their own eligibility criteria – in other words, who they want to lend to and the types of loan they like to make. And when a lender applies to be a member of our panel, we ask them about the type of borrower they’re happiest to work with.
They’ll tell us the level of income they like a borrower to have, how long they’ve been at their current address, how much they feel comfortable with a borrower spending every month, and so on.
When you apply for a loan through us, we examine the information you’ve given us so that we only send your application to the lenders most likely to say “yes” to your application based upon your personal circumstances and the size & type of loan you need.
If a lender then comes back to us and tells us that they want to find out more about you, we’ll then automatically redirect you to their website to complete their application form.
For most borrowers, this could save you a lot of time rather than applying direct to lender after lender because:
- you only have to fill in one application form with our service and
- you don’t accidentally apply to lenders who would say “no” because you don’t meet their criteria in the first place.
How safe are bad credit loans without a guarantor?
Very safe, because they are regulated by the FCA. Our lenders have lots of experience in providing loans to a range of customers including those looking for poor credit loans or emergency loans.
There are no hidden fees – in fact, all interest rates and other charges are displayed in clear before you accept any loan offer we find for you. Growing Power believes that borrowers should be in control so that means that we provide you with all the information you need to make before you make a decision.
I am struggling to repay my debts. What should I do?
If you have debts and you’re struggling to repay them, you may wish to consider contacting one of the following six debt charities and organisations – StepChange, PayPlan, National Debtline, the Money Advice Service, the Debt Advice Foundation, and Citizens Advice. Their services are free of charge.
If you are in a tough spot financially at the moment, you should not take out a bad credit loan if making the repayments would cause you or your family hardship.
You should also not take out a no guarantor bad credit loan if you intend to use the loan to make the next repayments on any outstanding loans or credit cards you have if you have no other way of making those repayments.
Let us do the work required to find you a competitive and affordable loan for you from our panel of lenders.
Our service is free of charge and you’re not obliged to take out any loan offer we find you. To start your application, please click here.